Monday, December 10, 2012

Baby DJ "Birth"Day

Mailique is a very special coworker of mine. We not only work together but we got to experience our pregnancies together. She was induced early morning on Monday the 10th and we prayed (while we were at work) for her not to have it until it was time for us to get off. Her water was broke around 4pm and was steady at 4cm dialated. We we got there around 4:30 and had her laughing, mad and etc...LOL... the contractions started getting stronger. The checked her once and she went to only 5-6cm. Then around 6:30 they checked her again and she was 8cm. We stepped out to get a drink and walked in in perfect timing... it was time to push.  I was honored to be there with Mailique, her fiance (D), as well as a couple of coworkers and welcome baby DJ into this world...

We welcome baby DJ in to this world on December 10th @ 6:45pm. 6lbs and 13oz. 19inch long. A head full of hair!!

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